Khmer food, Cambodia

We have tried some different dishes and a variety of local food across Cambodia this month. Here are some of the best examples of food we tasted:

The area of Kampot and Kep are famous for growing peppercorns, so the locally produced peppercorns feature in several dishes. The next photo is of pepper chicken which is simple but had excellent flavour. It was cooked up at a small roadside cafe. The peppercorns were also used in abundance in this black pepper with beef dish.

Chicken with black pepper
Beef with peppercorns

In Phnom Penh market we saw these local fried noodles. I think they are called Lort Cha, and are very short noodles. They were very cheap and a good quick snack, made right infront of us.

frying Lort Cha noodles

Another excellent dish tasted in Kampot was this chicken and ginger stir fry. It came served with rice and was one of my favourites.

Ginger & Chicken

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