Mexican Food, in Queretaro

I spent some time in Queretaro, when in Mexico this month. So here is a round up of the good food I had whilst in the city. Firstly, a local dish known as Enchiladas Queretanas. The enchiladas come with chicken inside, then carrots, potatoes and cheese on top. They were also served with some jalapeños, lettuce and frijoles on the side.

Next I tried this large plate of alambre de bistec. This is beef, fried with peppers, onions, some chorizo, as well as cheese. Tacos are then served on the side to make your own. This really is a great meal, especially if you are hungry.

This next dish is a variarion of tacos, known as tacos dorados, or crispy fried tacos. This version of the fried tacos, was with shredded chicken inside topped with lettuce, cream and salsa.

One of my favourites here and available many places in Mexico, is tacos de pescado. These tacos are fried battered fish topped with crunchy veg and chipotle.

Mexican breakfasts are arguably some of the best food in Mexico. So here I had heuvos revueltos con chilaquiles y frijoles. The eggs are scrambled with chorizo and give great flavour.

Finally, no trip to mexico would be complete without eating tacos al pastor. The marinated pork giving excellent flavour, especially with some pineapple, coriander, onion, and then lime squeezed on top.

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