Ahmedabad, Gujurat, India

After going back down to Kolkata from Darjeeling, I flew right across to the west of the country, to Ahmedabad in Gujarat state.
Ahmedabad is a massive city with several sights and mosques in amongst the old part of the city. Here is a view of the market situated around the Bhadra Fort.

In amongst the market I found this colourful stall selling a big selection of ‘mukhwas’, such as ’til, supuri, paan and amla’. These are various chewing snacks; like seeds and candies; to refresh the mouth and perhaps for helping digestion.
Gandhi lived in Ahmedabad from 1917, where he set up the Sabarmati Ashram, it was very educational to read and see the history of his life displayed around the Ashram.
Whilst in the city I had the chance to try local food, in the way of a vegetarian Gujurati thali, this was a particularly impressive one with a great selection of curries to taste.

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