After leaving Cambodia via some time in Bangkok I have reached Sri Lanka. Which is a country I have not visited before.
After landing at Colombo Airport (though 60km north of Colombo) , we took a taxi to Gampaha train station. This meant we could catch the afternoon train straight up to Anuradhapura, and visit the ancient cities area of Sri Lanka.
In Anuradhapura there are many ruins and ancient temples spread across the city. The best way to get around the area is by bicycle, which is a perfect leisurely pace for seeing the area.
The highlight for me was going to visit the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree. This sacred tree was brought to the country over 2000 years ago, and has been tended by guardians ever since. It is said to be from a cutting of the original tree where Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment. This cutting was then brought to Sri Lanka by Princess Sangamitta. Thousands of people visit everyday to give offerings and take in the holy site.

Did you get a cutting of the tree for me?????