Christmas at Palolem Beach, Goa

Well after the long journey over the past few months I have already been staying in Palolem for a few weeks just relaxing, eating well, and doing some running and swimming.  I Am currently trying to write a full book on my adventure here so that has been consuming some of my time, or at least getting the notes down. Plan to stay here over the Christmas and new year period whilst I plan what will be next to see when I move on in January.

Well had a good few days celebrating the holidays over here.  We had a Christmas seafood dinner down on the beach on Christmas Eve whilst watching the sun go down, then went off to party for the rest of the night, so was a bit hungover yesterday!  Had a full English breakfast though n relaxed the rest of the day, here is a couple of photos:

And not forgetting Happy Christmas where ever people are reading this!

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