Koh Phayam, Thailand

Only really had the chance to stop on Koh Phayam for one night, after having been lazing on small Koh Chang most of the week (and my friend having to get back to Bangkok for a flight).  Still a very tidy new looking beachhut bungalow was found for 400 baht complete with me lying in the hammock infront of it.

We had chance to explore along the beach and a few beers on the sand too.
Like I said though it was soon time to move on up to Bangkok, then I’ll be going east this week to meet my uncle.

One comment

  1. oh Tom it just looks simply gorgeous there! Here however its absolutely freezing, Sal and I made a snowman in the garden then took Marley out to make snow angels. He didnt do a very good job though!…is it because he's only eight months old?

    Sal has set the lovely beach hut photo as our screen saver. xx

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