Paris needs no introduction from me with lots to see and do in the famous city. I stayed just south of the city at first near the metro, with the Paris Museum pass I purchased also including public transport. I really got good value for money with the pass and saw all the major attractions. The best view in the city was from the Arc de Triomphe.

The Notre Dame is still being repaired and behind some scaffolding, after a fire a few hears ago. You can still see the outside of the impressive impressive cathedral though.

The parks were also impressive, and good to relax at, as seen here at the Jardin du Luxembourg.

I then also stayed in the Montmartre area of Paris, a very picturesque traditional area of the city.

North of the city is the Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace, which was worth the journey by metro and bus. The museum is home to not one but two, famous Concorde planes. It is a really good museum with a lot on offer to see, from planes to jets, and history of aviation, I thoroughly recommend it.