Cholon, HCMC, Vietnam

These days I have become a fan of slow travel.  By spending a good length of time in a place, it can enable you to find hidden gems across your destination.  I have had a full week across Ho Chi Minh City, and have still places to explore; or restaurants and food I wish to try.

One day this week I did a walking tour of the Cholon district, or Chinatown area of HCMC.  It was my own walking tour made up of trying to see the old temples and pagodas of Cholon. Here is a sample of what you can see by exploring this district of the city.

I started off at Binh Tay Market or Chợ Bình Tây, which is hectic. There is a huge range of fresh produce to clothes and supplies on sale. You can even purchase the full range of plastic plants and flowers as was found at the stall shown.

The temples and pagodas are scattered around the district with short walks in between. From starting at the market I visited Cha Tam Church. Before moving on to see Ong Bon Pagoda and Ha Chuong Hoi Quan Pagoda.

One of the most colourful is the Phuoc An Hoi Quan Pagoda. There are no shortage of photo opportunities around the pagodas. The last couple of shots were taken at the Nghia An Hoi Quan Pagoda.

One comment

  1. well Tom I’m not a fan of the plastic flowers but absolutely love the other colourful photos. what are the pink tickets for?
    I’m also loving the round door, very intriguing x

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