Southeast Coast, Vietnam

Over the past week or so I was able to travel by motorbike along some great scenic parts of the Southeast Coast. Worth noting is that whilst the distances may not sound massive, it always takes longer than you expect. This may be due to poor road surfaces, stopping for sudden rain downpours, or simply stopping for coffee and or noodles, but it is all good fun along the way.

Going from Dalat to Nha Trang took best part of all afternoon. I won’t say too much about Nha Trang as have visited before, but it is good to have a few days on the beach. My friend took me on a great boat trip to Hon Noi Island. This can be difficult to find out about, as the boat trip is only ran by one company, with them speaking only Vietnamese. Hon Noi island is also known as Birds’ Nests Island, as its home to swallows that nest here. These birds nests are then collected and used in traditional medicines and remedies. Not entirely sure what or how its used due to lack of translation. The most beautiful part of Hon Noi Island is definetely the double beach or Bãi Biển Đôi shown below.

From Nha Trang we took the coastal round down past Cam Ranh. Currently though the beach is noisy; as along the stretch before Cam Ranh Airpot is a lot of construction work. Large resorts and hotels are being built here to compete with Nha Trang beach. If you carry on past Cam Ranh town itself; then come off the main highway and head east you will reach the village of Bình Lập, Cam Lập, which sticks out into Cam Ranh Bay. We stayed at Dao Hoa Vang Homestay where you will likely have the beach to yourself. They have standard rooms or; right next to the beach; tented rooms as shown below, a nice idea and set up.

We continued the coastal road heading south. Look out for the great view point over Vinh Hy. There are loads of great spots to stop for great views and photography so leave lots of time for the journey. Other stops to check out are the preserved coral reef at Hang Rai, in Ninh Thuan province. Shortly after that the fields are full of grapevines, you can stop and see many of the farms, exploring and picking your own grapes.

A further stop was made at Ninh Chu beach outside of Phan Rang, but the weather was rather changeable with rain. Had the chance to walk the beach and try some local food such as Banh Xeo and Banh Can. Then been resting in Mui Ne before heading back to Ho Chi Minh City.

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