Kerman – Iran

Arrived early yesterday morning after a night bus, and checked in to a nice hotel to have a good nights sleep before another night bus later to get me towards the Pakistan border tomorrow, once over the border its then another long bus ride to the city of Quetta, and will then get on the train up to Lahore, so a busy few days travel ahead.
Anyway, had the company of the lovely Iranian girl I met last week in Keshan and had then also bumped into in Esfahan, so she took us to some of the nice gardens outside of Kerman.  We had a good time despite the girl being worried about the police stopping her for being with a foreigner.  But there wasn’t much to worry about really and we also went to a smart Iranian restauraunt last night, where I tried yet another kebab.  Just time to say goodbye to the beautiful Iranian later before I get the bus.

And so tomorrow my time in Iran will be coming to an end, have enjoyed it here as the people are most helpful and friendly, and have done plenty of sightseeing; as obviously the nightlife scene is nothing like what we would know in western counties, which can be difficult for the young people to socialise here as they are often worried about any trouble that they could get in, or the religious police.

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