Taxco, Mexico

Well I liked the feel of Taxco as soon as I arrived, with its cobblestone lanes and white painted houses. The town sits in the mountains about a 3 hour bus ride south from Mexico City. The view here was right out of my guesthouse window.

There were still some Dia de Muertos celebrations going on. With the main square outside the church having been filled with flowers. A stage had also been set up with live music, so it was a good vibe in the evening.

The following morning I wound my way through the maze of small streets and alleys, heading upwards. Many of the streets are joined by staircases up between the houses, quite a climb. My aim was to reach the top to see the Cristo de Taxco statue that looks down on the town.

A half hour ride away in a colectivo from Taxco are the Pozas Azules. A natural attraction set deep in the hills with a collection of waterfalls and numerous pools to swim in. The water really was this blue, but pretty cold for swimming in for too long. I think in total there are more than a dozen different pools, with it varying which ones are open depending on the time of year. You can also hike abit further up with a local guide to see a few extra waterfalls.

Finally this last photo tries to capture the little alleys around Taxco and the feel of the town. Great for wandering about and finding small restaurants and cafes. If you have a few days from Mexico City I really recommend the bus ride down to here to check out Taxco.

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