Tehran – Iran

Arrived early yesterday, off the overnight train from Tabriz, so wasted no time in finding a cheapish hotel in the South of Tehran.
This wasn’t far from the Tehran Bazaar & Iman Khomeini Mosque; which we saw in the morning.  Had lunch in a park to get away from the traffic; general pollution & business of the city.

The Golestan Palace (built in the 19th century) complete with mirrored halls & a massive marble throne was then visited, as well as the National Museum of Iran which had endless archaeological treasures.
Struggled quite a bit to find any sense of nightlife in Tehran, eventually ended up in the newer part of town, with shops, fast food and a few restaurants, so then got the underground metro back to our hotel, where lots more Iranians wanted to chat to us.

Spent another day in Tehran 2day and took in the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art which had a very impressive exhibition on.  Have been more successful on finding good shopping and eating areas and sampled dizi (a traditional Iranian stew) for tea.

The scenes around Tehran, busy roads, and a surprising painted building below

One comment

  1. Love the recent photos Tom, especially the one with you in! Everyone in work is always asking after you, we all miss you but know that you are having a fab time.
    Sally is on complete meltdown as she is trying to get the Take That tickets this morning armed with her Dads credit card1 ha ha …will let you know how successful we are.
    take care xxxxxxxxxxxx

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