Campeche to Xpujil, Mexico

Going round from Yucatán state into Campeche state was next for this trip. I had a few days in the picturesque Campeche town.

The town itself is a UNESCO world heritage site. It was a relaxing few days, walking round to see the painted and colourful streets. There is a path or malecon next to the waterfront, where you can see the sunset quite clearly most days. Here is the main street with alfresco dining in the evenings.

There are quite a few churches & historical houses to look out for, like this one set off the main square called Casa 6.

One of the reasons to visit Campeche state is the number of Mayan ruins and archaeological sites. For example Edzna is one hour from campeche town. I continued around the state going south to Escarcega, then east to Xpujil. If you are travelling this way take the bus to Escarcega, then find a shared taxi or colectivo to continue your journey onwards.

Unfortunately the pandemic did interfere with my plans here as the ruins at Becán and Chicanná were both closed. Still I enjoyed the nearby village of Xpujil. There are smaller ruins next to the village I did visit. I had the ruins all to myself for photography too.

As ever in the village there were some good local spots for food and tacos. Including this favourite of half a roast chicken. It came with all the sides of tortillas, rice, tomato, salsa, onion and salad. A brilliant feed for about €3.

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