Hue, Vietnam

Hue is the old capital of the Nguyen emperors, which is situated next to the Perfume river. The highlight of the city itself is the Citadel, built from 1804 onwards and surrounded by an impressive moat.
Here is the entrance inside the emperial enclosure looking towards the Thai Hoa palace, and one of the other many grand entrance gates.

The inner area of the citadel was only for the emperor and his family and was known as the forbidden purple city. Sadly much of it was destroyed during the war, but here there has been some restoration of what remains.

Outside of Hue set in the countryside are tombs dedicated to the various emperors. I had a great time going to visit these around the countryside on a bike.  The Minh Mang tomb is set in the forest and surrounded by a lake giving it a truly calm and picturesque surrounding.

The last stop on my tour was to the tomb of Khai Dinh. Here is his bronze statue in a colourful setting inside the tomb.

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